Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reality Check

Reality check
by Anita Gardonyi on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 3:01pm

The stillness of the moment

The beauty of here and now

The agony of torment

Of distant nations sorrow

I breathe sun and life today

Wishing that there was a way

To stop the oozing of blood and pain

As the death toll rises in Japan

The greatest worry of our nation here

Is the rising gas price and to pay the bill

But all it takes is a major quake

Death will shock the sleeper awake

Dazed and confused

Paralyzed in fear

The illusion of invincible shatters

Suddenly life is the only thing that matters.

The walls of our false values

Will be washed away

By the tears and cries of survivors

And as our world lays in mud torn by sorrow

The rest of the universe lives for tomorrow

So don't take life for granted

If you have a helping hand: lend it!

When you have all to give, it's easy...

But when there is nothing left to give

Give the will to live

Smile, forgiveness and Love

Are the abundant treasures of the heart.

I breathe sun and life today

Wishing that there was a way

To stop the oozing pity of those

Who still have the illusion of false values.

~ By Anita Gardonyi

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