Friday, December 3, 2010

Christianity vs. Pantheism: Afterlife

How do Christian and Pantheistic views of the afterlife differ? How are they similar?

They are similar in a sense that they both believe in existence beyond the fall of the physical body.
But they have a very different idea about what happens after death. Christianity believes that after death the spirit is brought in front of the Lord for judgment (based on the life we lived): then it is determined if one is doomed to hell or the purgatory, or is granted the entrance to heaven.
Pantheism entirely rejects the notion of hell and the concept of heaven is very different that of the Christian’s: it is viewed as ultimately joining or reuniting the Divine source or to reincarnate into a new physical form (a form which is granted based on one’s accomplishments of their purpose through life).

Christian's believe that body dies , but the person lives on. When Chrisitains die, their spirits, or souls, go directly onto the presence of Jesus. Whereas, the pantheists believe that the soul (atman) continues to live on" but this is an impersonal soul, not anything like their personality that makes a person unique. Their uniqueness (which is an illusion) is what dies in life.

These two share somewhat of a similar view of the afterlife as well, although both agree that the soul lives on; Pantheists place no real value on the soul.


I think that you have grasped very well the notion of pantheism (the aspect that we are all made of the same divine source, which make us all the same; and that our uniqueness is defined by the ego and the mind; both of which die with the human body). They certainly believe in afterlife. Only in the concept of "what afterlife is" where they differ. Also a big difference is that pantheism rejects the existence of hell, purgatory or heaven in a Christian sense. Heaven to them is reuniting with the Divine Source. Punishment is reincarnation in another physical life form to go through life again until we finally fulfill our purpose and only then we can reunite with the Divine Source.Not all pantheistic views have the same notion on reincarnation and karma, however. In some cases reincarnation or rebirth is a form of cyclic existence (birth, life, death, rebirth and so on). In other cases rebirth is based on karmic inheritance. Again in some views reincarnation can occur in five or six realm of existence while in other views a human will only reincarnate as another human, while there are some that believes that humans rarely if ever reincarnate again as human immediately after a human existence. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Neopaganism, Theosophy, Taoism (not a religion, but a philosophy) all bear common concepts of pantheism, but they have very different fundamental beliefs which makes it difficult to discuss under one umbrella. But the difference in the concept about afterlife is obvious.

If reincarnation is a form of punishment, where does it all end? How do they know when they have fulfilled their purpose? What evidence do they have that this is the true afterlife? I am still unable to get this worldview to make sense in my mind. Maybe it's because I'm a Christian and reject all secular views.


The ultimate purpose is to return to the Divine Source. That is where it ends. That would be like going to heaven.

I described it as a "punishment" only to illustrate that in pantheism (that rejects the concept of hell as a form of punishment) reincarnation is the consequence of one's actions. Life, with both its joys and aches, is another chance to do it all over again: to learn, to grow and to fulfill one's purpose. There are guidelines in each religion, similarly as in the Bible, as to how one should act, feel and live. Pantheism is a view. You will learn more about religions by studying them directly. Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions carry pantheism views, but each have distinguished fundamental rules.

It is quite okay that it doesn't make sense in your mind and it is quite likely due to your loyalty to the Christian view. I don't necessarily understand everything, but I also don't reject things I do not understand. I say: "hmmm... I don't understand it, but just because I don't understand it, it doesn't mean it is not so. Just because someone else is certain that it is true, it still doesn't mean it is so. And whether it is true or not, it doesn't mean I have to agree with it." Learning is about gathering information in order to have the ability to form a better, more accurate image of your truth. The more information you absorb, the better you will be able to sort through facts, make connections and even better: ask better questions.

So if things don't make sense in your mind now; it's okay. Don't stop here! Seek more information and ask more questions! Or just agree to disagree and offer love, forgiveness and prayers to those who don't share your faith.

1 comment:

  1. I am a Pantheist and these views above are not my views. I don't believe in Hell I don't believe I will ever leave this earth. When I die my body will buried in the ground and I will become part of the earth always. Why would I want to be anywhere else!
