Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do you believe you can know God? How is this possible?

If one wants to believe in the existence of God, one can certainly know God. But that's not so much have to do with actually knowing God, but rather with the decision to have faith, accept and follow God.

The question is how do we know when we "know" something versus when we think we know something? What makes an idea or theory into knowledge?

From my perspective knowledge is a very volatile structure simply because it is based on experience: one's own experience, testimony of authorities, empiricism, reason or revelation. Each of those experiences are impacted and distorted by personal judgement or a hidden agenda (political or otherwise).

That is why any knowledge can be argued with reason and supported by a particular set of logic. And that is why any conclusion about any knowledge is only as good as the supporting logic of the mass majority in favor of the theory.

But as new information emerges, old knowledge crumbles: and thus knowledge continually changes.

So how do we know that we know what we know today?
How do we know that we know what we don't know today?
And how much unknown is out there that we don't know that we don't know?

Everything we wish to know is only limited by the moment we decide that we know something. Because the moment we decide that we know something we stop questioning. When we stop questioning we stop searching for new knowledge that might contradict what we decided to know.

So the answer is yes: one can know God. The moment one decides to know God and stop questioning its existence and the teachings of the Bible.
~ By Anita Gardonyi

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What would Plato think of American advertising?

by Anita Gardonyi on Wednesday, March 23, 2011

If Plato would have the opportunity to come back to life and watch American advertising and observe the life of the American society, he would probably ask the creator to return him into his grave, as he would realize that all his work on this earth has made no difference after all.

Plato had a view about human perception of reality that he very creatively described in his Allegory of the Cave. According to him most of humans are prisoners (of their own worldviews?) who can only face in one direction looking at a giant bare wall. High up behind them are other human beings making shadow stories on the giant wall in the light of a huge fire. The prisoners’ perception of reality is based on the story the shadows play out and they have no idea about the living beings creating the shadow stories. It is a metaphorical image of human reality: invisible truths under the apparent surface of things that only the most enlightened can grasp. Most people are not even aware of their own limited perspectives.

The purpose of advertising is to make things “appear” irresistible, beautiful, easy, affordable and pleasurable. For example: advertising defines what beauty should look like. The image the media suggests fits about 1% of the population, which leaves 99% feel inadequate and insecure: leaving them vulnerable and desperate to buy whatever products and services necessary to make them “beautiful”.

The puppeteers of society create images and impressions of what the perfect life should be like and use the media make people chase false dreams. They create an un-satisfiable crave for things that promise to bring happiness, but can never do so.

Plato would immediately notice that and he would be very disappointed in our society that despite his teachings we have yet to learn the very basics of life: there is a lot more to life than what we choose to see and understand. To walk to path of enlightenment means breaking free of our limitations: it would mean breaking free of what we know and understand.

But for most the bliss of ignorance offers the illusion of happiness… until the walls of the cave come crumbling down burying the last spark of hope forever…

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reality Check

Reality check
by Anita Gardonyi on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 3:01pm

The stillness of the moment

The beauty of here and now

The agony of torment

Of distant nations sorrow

I breathe sun and life today

Wishing that there was a way

To stop the oozing of blood and pain

As the death toll rises in Japan

The greatest worry of our nation here

Is the rising gas price and to pay the bill

But all it takes is a major quake

Death will shock the sleeper awake

Dazed and confused

Paralyzed in fear

The illusion of invincible shatters

Suddenly life is the only thing that matters.

The walls of our false values

Will be washed away

By the tears and cries of survivors

And as our world lays in mud torn by sorrow

The rest of the universe lives for tomorrow

So don't take life for granted

If you have a helping hand: lend it!

When you have all to give, it's easy...

But when there is nothing left to give

Give the will to live

Smile, forgiveness and Love

Are the abundant treasures of the heart.

I breathe sun and life today

Wishing that there was a way

To stop the oozing pity of those

Who still have the illusion of false values.

~ By Anita Gardonyi